Next steps to your application

Thank you for joining the Portable Appliance Testing Trade Association. If you have joined to support what we are trying to achieve then thank you for doing that, it is appreciated. If you have joined to learn more about PAT or to be kept up to date with developments, that’s fine too. Hopefully you have joined because you like us want to improve the industry in which we all operate.

The people who run PATTA do so in their spare time at their own costs – you know how hard it is to run a business, and how busy you can get so imagine then having to do all this on top – we’re not trying to make excuses straight away but if you can understand that, you’ll understand why what we do takes time. You can find out a bit more about them here. 

We are making great progress as an association, we’re putting new guidance documents together all the time, and you’ll find them on this website; and presently our main area of focus in on trying to make an impression on the Code of Practice board to ensure it is a better version to the previous.

This page has information on that you will find useful, so it’s worth having a read through. If you don’t have time book mark it and come back to it. You can’t get to it again without paying, so if you don’t save it you’ll lose it which means you could lose some important information.

Firstly your payment receipt – we will send you a receipt but it will take time; we do the accounts every quarter so if you just missed one it could be 3 months before you hear from us, so bare with us. You will of course get your receipt from Go Cardless or PayPal.

The payment is a recurring payment – it will take the first payment, then another 12 months later. If paying by PayPal that has likely happened already so today will be the anniversary; if paying by direct debit it can take up to 7 days for the first payment to be taken. We do not send out reminders when payments are due to be taken, so you need to manage that yourself.

Your membership is also recurring. Todays payment is to join, with a retainer every 12 months to continue your membership. You can cancel at any time – your membership will continue until 12 months are up then cancel, at which point you will lose all membership benefits. If you want to rejoin you would do so at the price at that time.

You will be sent an email by our administrator when your membership has been approved. It will include your members’ certificate.

You can apply to be added to the Facebook group now (you will not be activated until membership approved) here:

You will be added to a members mailing list for updates – we recommend you do not unsubscribe or you may miss something important.

For reference and to remove regular confusion – PATTA is not currently an accreditor or regulator; it may be in the future, but at the moment we are an association. We try to provide guidance to help people do PAT to a good standard, but we do not check your work, qualifications, credentials, etc. The fee you pay is based on us continuing in our current format. If we do get to the point where we accredit and or regulate members you will be informed and the application process will change, as will the cost. But whilst this is regularly discussed and researched there are no imminent plans to implement this.

Thanks for reading this, we hope you get benefit from your membership