PATTA’s Membership Resources

PATTA members have access to a wealth of useful documents, templates, training, and discounts etc, all accessible via this website.

All you have to do to access to all this content is Join the UK’s Portable Appliance Testing Trade Association – PATTA.

If you do download a document or template for your business, please make sure you don’t share them outside your business, or with non members. All of the documents are in editable format on Microsoft Word or Excel, enabling you to add your own logo and business details. Please ensure that you read and understand the clauses in the templates and amend to suit your own business requirements before using them.

We’ve all been where you are now; you need a little bit of help to start or run your business but you just can’t find it; that’s why we started PATTA – the Portable Appliance Testing Trade Association 

  • To help fellow PAT testers
  • To represent the industry
  • To connect PAT Testers

When setting up or running a PAT Testing business there is so much to consider – what to charge, what tester to buy, how to manage staff, what marketing to do, cashflow, marketing, accounts, payroll, and so on. On top of that you’ve got admin, paperwork, legal compliance etc.

These resources from PATTA are intended to help you, they’re just a little bit to get you started, or to help you grow.

PATTA is committed to raising the standards in our industry and we feel by offering these documents we can help members on their journey. Putting everything in place for a business is time consuming and expensive, but with a small investment you can save yourself a lot more money than you will spend on a PATTA membership.

To get access to these helpful resources you need to be signed up as a member of PATTA.

You can join PATTA here.

PATTA members have access to a host of documents, templates and training videos including:

Health and Safety

  1. Risk Assessment and Method Statement – RAMS
  2. PATTA’s Working Standards (which should be your own minimum standards)
  3. Risk Assessment Document and Template
  4. Health and Safety Policy
  5. Work Equipment Policy
  6. Electrical Safety Policy
  7. Hand Held Tools Policy
  8. Ladder Use Policy
  9. Product Recall Code of Practice
  10. Lone Working Policy

Business Administration

  1. Sole Trader Business Budget Spreadsheet
  2. Terms and Conditions
  3. Privacy Policy
  4. Business Plan
  5. Forming a limited company
  6. Motor Vehicles Policy
  7. Basic Accounts Spreadsheet
  8. Weekly and Monthly Cash Flow Spreadsheet
  9. Invoice Templates
  10. Sub Contractor Contracts

Staff Management

  1. New Employee Details Form
  2. Staff Handbook
  3. Back to Work Interview
  4. Holiday Accrual Calculator
  5. Cease and Desist letter for ex employee
  6. Disciplinary letters
  7. Sickness and Absence Policy
  8. Sickness Agreement Form
  9. Return to Work Interview form
  10. Insurance for use of personal car

Client Management

  1. PAT testing Checklist
  2. Price Increase Letter
  3. Outstanding Invoice Letter
  4. Prevention against late payers
  5. Chasing Late payers
  6. Chasing Non Payers
  7. Complaints Process Template
  8. Registering for VAT letter

Recruitment (coming soon)

  1. Interview Questions
  2. Employee Application Form
  3. Job offer letter
  4. Right to Work Checklist
  5. Equipment supply log

Marketing (coming soon)

  1. SEO Jargon explained
  2. Search Engine Optimisation Starter Guide
  3. Register your site on Online Directories
  4. Local SEO / Google Maps guide
  5. Tips to succeed with Google Ads guide
  6. Social Medial Marketing guide
  7. Networking guide

Training (Video) Library

  1. Earth Continuity Testing
  2. Insulation Resistance Testing
  3. Why we still call it PAT Testing
  4. Beyond the Code of Practice talk from Jim Wallace
  5. That’s Not PAT testing
  6. How to tell if your PAT Testing is being done correctly
  7. Are your plugs being opened during PAT testing
  8. Do we really have to PAT Test every year?

How to (video) guides

  1. How to test Powercon
  2. How to test Socapex
  3. How to spot a fake fuse
  4. How to spot a plug that has not been opened
  5. How to test a long extension lead
  6. How to test an RCD
  7. How to test Stage Lighting
  8. How to test a kettle
  9. How to choose the right fuse
  10. How to test a server system
  11. How to spot a Medical Device that you can’t test
  12. How to PAT test white goods
  13. How to PAT test 3-phase
  14. How to PAT test a 10 gang extension
  15. How to create a good quality PAT testing Certificates


  1. 25% off the cost of PAT Labels
  2. 25% off the cost of Calibration
  3. 10% off the cost of Simply Pats software
  4. Other offers coming soon